Food Authent

The research project FoodAuthent aims at providing basic principles and incentives for the routine use of fingerprinting analytics in the food sector and the official food control.

The project partners work on a holistic solution of a fAuthent system that meets the essential prerequisites. This includes the development of cooperative usuable fingerprint databases, open data standards, pattern recognition and data analysis procedures as well as interfaces to privately operated systems with batch-related product information.

The University of Konstanz (i.e. this chair) is mainly responsible for investigating and implementing routines for the data analysis (e.g. food fraud prediction by means of the NMR-fingerprints) with the help of KNIME.

The project is supported by funds of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) based on a decision of the Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany under the innovation support program managed by the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE). The duration of the project is three years and ends in September 2019.

Project website: